2025 Spring Hunter Pace
Saturday, May 17th
Results at the bottom of the page
Hunter Paces can vary by region and even by sponsoring club, but for Red Mountain Hounds, a Hunter Pace is a marked trail ranging from 4-14 miles, depending on the division. Teams of three or less riders follow a flagged course through our actual hunt territory, with the goal to complete the course as close to an ideal time as possible. Optimum time is determined by the distance of the trail and the set pace for the division. We offer four divisions:
Strollers: A relaxed and leisurely stroll through our hunt country. Pace is 4 MPH. Distance is 4-8 miles. No jumps.
Hill Topper: For sporty riders who prefer a moderate pace through the hunt country. Jumps up to 3' are optional. Pace is 6 MPH. Distance is 6-11 miles.
First Flight: For riders who enjoy fast pace and a challenging ride. Jumps up to 3' are optional. Pace is 8 MPH. Distance is 7-13 miles.
Full Cry: For those seeking a very fast pace and the thrill of what fox hunting is really like. Jumps not exceeding 3' are encouraged but are optional. Pace is 10 MPH. Distance is 8 -14 miles.
There is no required dress code (or tack requirements), but we do request that all riders wear protective riding helmets. No timing devices allowed. A current, negative Coggins is required for all horses.
Prizes for 1st-6th places are awarded for each division (ribbons will be mailed to Rider #1 on the entry form). In addition, series Champion and Reserve Champion prizes are awarded for each division at the end of the year*.
*New for 2024 - Sedgefield Hunter Paces will count towards our series year-end points!
ENTRY FEES: Adults $50 Juniors (under 18) $40
TIME: Trailers may arrive starting at 8:30 am (please do not arrive earlier). First riders will go on course at 9:00 am; last riders must start by 1:30 pm and complete by 3:00 pm.
GPS: Near 11818 Hampton Rd, Rougemont, NC 27572
From Durham: Take 501N. Turn right at the traffic light onto Moores Mill Road (across from Quail Roost Farm) and continue to stop sign. Turn Right onto Red Mountain Rd. Go 1.2 miles and then turn right onto Hampton Rd. Go 1.4 miles and then take a left at the fork onto Wilkins Rd. The parking lot is immediately to your left on Wilkins Rd.
*There will be someone on-site directing parking*
1) If possible, please fill out the entry form prior to the event, sign it, and email it to gbhoit@earthlink.net by noon the day before the event OR print out and bring with you. The form linked below can be downloaded and filled/signed electronically using Adobe Acrobat (or similar PDF editor). There will also be forms available at the entry table.
2) You can pay using Venmo (instructions will be at the entry table), check (made out to Red Mountain Hounds), or cash.
3) Show up and have fun!
Have questions? Please email: gbhoit@earthlink.net